Rewarded high ratings by our happy customers

Bracknell’s Cover Plans to suit all your needs

Our central heating and boiler cover provides an annual cover for your whole heating system and can includes labour, breakdown, repairs and the option of including a service. There is no call out charge and our Gas Safe Registered engineers will carry out the works to your heating system with labour and parts included in the annual price.

From £10.50 per month

Our special and unique £10.50 a month annual boiler service for existing customers, available to pay over a 12 month period.

From £19 per month

This full central heating system cover is for the heating system only. This also covers you for an annual boiler service. £60 excess per claim.

This cover includes :

Excluded by the cover :

Sorry, we do not cover tenanted properties.
Any blockages in the heating pipework that is caused by build up of heavy sludge.

From £22 per month

This full central heating system and general plumbing cover is for your heating system and general plumbing only. This also covers you for an annual boiler service. £60 excess per claim.

This cover includes :

Excluded by the cover :

Sorry, we do not cover tenanted properties.
Any blockages in the heating pipework that is caused by build up of heavy sludge.

From £25 per month

This full central heating system and general plumbing cover is for your heating system and general plumbing only. This also covers you for an annual boiler service. £60 excess per claim.

This cover includes :

Excluded by the cover :

Sorry, we do not cover tenanted properties.
Any blockages in the heating pipework that is caused by build up of heavy sludge.

From £4 per month

Private Drains Cover

Optional extra of £4.00 per month on top of packages 2 & 3.

This cover includes:

Exclued by this cover:

Shared drains